Former Bangor Grammar School pupil Chris Gray (1989/96) has been appointed Director of Music and Fellow of St. John’s College, Cambridge.

His introduction to church music was as a Treble in the school’s Gryphon Consort. This was followed by a Music Degree at Pembroke College, Cambridge, further study at the Royal College of Music and positions as cathedral organ scholar.

Following his time as Assistant, since 2008 he has been Director of Music at Truro Cathedral where he has done a truly amazing job and where he will be sorely missed.

At Easter he will move to this very important and high profile position in church music, where he will direct the world-famous choir at chapel services, broadcasts, recordings and worldwide tours.

All who know Chris will be delighted for him in this appointment and will join Bangor Grammarians in wishing him all good things when he makes the move in the Spring.