As has been the case for the past six years, we are delighted – just in time for Christmas – to offer a complimentary digital copy of the latest (2020) edition of the Grammarian magazine, which as ever is packed with news and memories of Bangor Grammar School past and present.
The magazine is usually distributed each September to paid-up members of Bangor Grammarians (the official name for our old boys’ association). This year, however, publication was delayed by some six weeks, until late October, due to the impact of the pandemic. Indeed, putting together the magazine, entirely from home, proved to be our organisation’s main noteworthy activity following the March lockdown and the various other restrictions which ensured our regular events were either cancelled or postponed – including the traditional Boxing Day hockey fixtures (usually scheduled for later this week).
However, the delay ensured we were able to include up-to-date contributions relating to the impact of Covid-19 on Bangor Grammar School and its current and recent past pupils. In fact, no fewer than five former students under the age of 30 are among the team of contributors who took time out from busy schedules to share their thoughts and memories. There are particularly interesting articles from the two most recent Head Boys, Archie Arran and Aqeel Mohamed, alongside Principal Elizabeth Huddleson’s candid annual report.
The link below is for a high resolution version of the magazine so it is a fairly large file. Copy and paste to your browser and it should download as a PDF to your iPad, tablet or laptop computer.!Aja1yrpuby0vhsxJALhfE8rLZKdJkg

Please get in touch ( if you encounter any problems. It is just possible there may be a limit on the number of downloads permitted but hopefully the issue can be resolved.
The same email address applies should anyone require information about joining Bangor Grammarians. New members are always welcome!