Bangor Grammarians Association Rules


1.  The Association shall be called “Bangor Grammarians”.


2.  The Headquarters of the Association shall be Bangor Grammar School, Gransha Road.


3.  The object of the Association shall be to foster the spirit of friendship among its members and to promote the interests of the School so far as lies in its power.


4. (a)  The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Patron, a President, three Vice-Presidents (who shall be the three immediate past Chairmen), a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Membership Secretary, an Honorary Magazine Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, and a Committee of nine, all (with the exception of the Vice-Presidents) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

b) All Office-bearers to retire at the end of each year, but to be eligible for re-election.

c) The Committee shall have powers of co-option to twelve; five members of the Committee to form a Quorum.

d) The Committee shall be summoned to meet when necessary but at least four times during the year they hold office.

(e) The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Membership Secretary, Honorary Magazine Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be ex-officio Members of Committee.


5.  Membership of the Association shall be open to all former pupils of Bangor Grammar School.


6.  All applications for membership of the Association must be made in writing, addressed to the Honorary Secretary.  These shall be put before the Committee which shall have the power to accept or refuse such applications.


7.  The Annual General Meeting, of which fifteen clear days notice in writing shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to every member, shall be held in October or November each year.  An Extaordinary General Meeting shall be called at the request of any twelve members.  In this case fifteen clear days notice, stating the business of the meeting, shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to every member.  Only the business stated on the notice of the meeting shall be discussed.


8.  An Annual Dinner shall be held at such times as may be convenient.


9.  The Association financial year shall commence from 1st September and terminate on 31st August. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep an up-to-date record of the Association’s finances and present these at each Committee Meeting.


10.  Life subscription shall be set at the Annual General Meeting.

11.  The subscription of any new member joining the Association after the 1st July in any year shall cover the period to the 30th September of the following year.

12.  The Committee reserves the right to have the names of members struck off the register.  Any person whose name has been struck off the Register shall cease to be a member.


13. Members wishing to retire from the Association must give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary.


14.  The Honorary Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the Association in a Minute Book which is to be produced at every Meeting.


15.  The Bankers of the Association shall be appointed by the Committee.


16.  These Rules may be altered at any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting on the proposal of any member.  Such a member giving to the Honorary Secretary at least four weeks notice in writing of his intention to put forward such proposal     at the next Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting and such proposal being put to the Meeting being voted for by at least two-thirds of the members present at such Meeting.  Details of all proposed alterations to be given to each member in writing by the Honorary Secretary.


17.  At the Annual General Meeting in each year two members of the Association shall be elected to act as Honorary Auditors for the ensuing year. Their duties shall be to examine the financial books and documents of the Association and give their report thereon.

Adopted October 1991.

Altered November 1998.