With a little under two weeks to go, the countdown to the Bangor Dinner – at the Marine Court Hotel on Friday 8 November – is well and truly under way!
A sizeable number of past pupils, spanning some six decades, have already indicated their intention to attend and the figure is expected to rise as next Monday’s deadline draws ever nearer.
Guest speaker this year is one of our own, Gareth Irvine, founder of The Copeland Distillery in Donaghadee. Word has it that samples of the company’s products will be available but you will have to be there to find out!
Class groups, especially those with an anniversary to celebrate, are always welcome and every effort will be made to accommodate seating requests.
All the details are on the attached flyer, which can be copied and printed out. It was also distributed with the 2019 Grammarian magazine. In addition, the flyers are being sent out to all members and regular dinner attendees for whom we hold current email addresses. Any queries to dinners@grammarians.co.uk.
Anyone wishing to stay over at the Marine Court Hotel on 8 November should mention they are attending the dinner to avail of a special b&b rate.
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