EARLIER this year Bangor Grammarians agreed to a proposal put before the committee to donate £250 towards the Bells4StGeorgeYpres project.
As the Grammar School – anywhere in the UK – which it is believed experienced the highest percentage of First World War losses amongst former pupils who ‘joined up’, BGS has ensured its ‘Deathless Dead’, in both World Wars, are never forgotten. During the past week, for example, members of the School’s Combined Cadet Force were at Thiepval in northern France, and searched out ex-BGS names on the memorial panels, including that of Robert Hughes who was remembered specifically at a function in the School last September.
The appeal target (which was reached) was £195,000 and the main element of the Bells4StGeorgeYpres project is to install a ring of eight change ringing bells into the tower of St. George’s Memorial Church in Ypres, Belgium.
The project has a number of component parts:
• Installation of the new set of eight change ringing bells cast at the bell foundry of John Taylor & Co. of Loughborough (see pictures).
• The repair, by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London, of a set of 16 Victorian handbells previously owned by Great War veteran and bell ringer Charles T Coles, for use of both local and visiting ringers.
• The renovation of the proposed ringing room with fine oak panelling and fitting to provide a space of beauty and purpose.
• The installation of a comprehensive sound control system which will preserve the tranquillity of the Church as a place of remembrance when the bells are used for practice or for longer periods of ringing but will allow the bells to be heard in their full glory when ringing for services or significant events.
The accompanying pictures were taken in Loughborough at the casting of the second and fourth bells.
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